Activity 1.1.2 Societal Values
- Purpose
- To understand differences between societal and personal
values, and to gain insight into their own value priorities.
- Materials
- Workbook/journal
- Time
- 1 hr
- Explain to participants that societal values are things that we create in our society that reflect
who we are. You may wish to give some examples such as the way our society values money,
family, education, time, etc.
- Discuss with participants the societal values that are important to them. The facilitator can
write down all the words as they are said. The societal values list might look like this:
- Family
- Friends
- Learning / Education
- Spiritual / Religion
- Money / Wealth
- Health
- Leisure Activities
- Community Involvement
- Employment
- Love/Romance
- As a group, they must choose 10 of these values.
- The list of 10 chosen societal values is to be written down by each participant in their
workbook or journal.
- The participants can then rank each value in order of importance for themselves. (Number 1
is most important).
- For further reflection, ask participants to focus on the first and last value on their list and note
the reasons for their choice of placement. Note: This part can be done as a group discussion,
or as a reflective assignment in their journal.
- Ask participants to share their top three values with the group and determine if there are any
matches with others.