Map 1–A Personal Life Map: Getting Started
  1. Participants will start with a sheet of flipchart paper and draw a large circle in the center of the page.
  2. In the circle, have them write their dream or goal. Participants may draw an emblem or logo to represent their goal.
  3. They should now draw lines radiating out from the circle and write whatever occurs to them about their goal. Ask them not to judge what they are writing.
  4. Ask them to note if there are any recurring themes.
Map 2–The Wheel of Fortune
  1. Give participants a large sheet of flipchart paper or poster board.
  2. Have them draw a circle and divide it into four parts.
  3. Ask participants to label each part of the circle with something they want to obtain this year. Tell them to draw images or write words that support this intention. For example, if earning more money is a priority, then draw dollar signs, or cut pictures from magazines of successful looking people.
  4. Instruct participants to put this personal fortune map somewhere where they can see it on a regular basis.
Map 3–Stream of Consciousness
  1. For this activity, participants must be able to write quickly without taking too much time to think about answers. Facilitators should give about one to two minutes of writing time after each question is read.
  2. Ask participants to write approximately 10 items in answer to each of the following questions: