Map 4–A Story Board
  1. A story board is a planned strategy that uses creative steps towards a dream or desired outcome. Facilitators should draw or use the diagram on the next page to explain the mapping style.
  2. On step 1: Write out what you want to achieve in a single sentence.
  3. On step 2: Decide what the first thing is that you need to do to bring your dream to a reality.
  4. Step 3: What is the second thing you need to do?
  5. Step 4: What is the third thing you need to do?
  6. Keep doing the step-by-step process until you reach your desired outcome.
  7. Look for themes and patterns that appear.
  8. When everyone has completed the activity, have participants discuss their story board map.

From: Creating Strategies. (2007). Right Brain Goal Setting.