Activity 5.2.2 Taking Steps to Explore Employment
- Purpose
- To prepare for employment opportunities
To increase self-confidence
- Materials
- Handout–Questions to Ask an Employee
Flipchart paper, coloured markers/pencils, computer Internet access
- Time
- 12–15 hrs
Part 1: Searching Employment Opportunities
- Give participants a sheet of flipchart paper and have them design an Exploring Employment
Chart with the headings: 1) Potential work, 2) Target places of
employment, 3) Resume preparation, 4) Feelings or keywords
associated with visit, and 5) Expectations of the workplace.
- Participants will list at least 10 types of employment under the heading Potential work.
Encourage them to list jobs in which they would feel comfortable working.
- Beside each of the jobs listed, participants should now decide where these employment
opportunities could become a reality. Write these under the heading Target places of
employment. For example if a dog walker is listed under Potential work,
listed under Target places of employment could be local veterinary clinic, local
pet store, etc. Facilitators may wish to work with the whole group or divide into smaller groups
so participants can brainstorm with each other.
- Next, beside each potential workplace and under the heading Resume preparation, have
participants list the job skills required for the type of work and what the potential employer
may be looking for in an employee.
- Once the charts are completed, have participants use the Internet to research their potential
places of employment. Some businesses will have a website that displays key company
information as well as contact information. If a business does not have a website, try using the
telephone book/yellow pages, ask friends or personal contacts, or look for publications or
search job fairs. Participants should write down the contact names and addresses, and all other
important information on a sheet of paper which will then be transferred onto a new
Exploring Employment Chart.
- All information gathered from the Internet will then be transferred onto a new sheet of
flipchart paper making a chart outlining the major areas: Potential work, Target places of
employment, Resume preparation, Feelings or keywords associated with visit, and
Expectations of the workplace.
- Under Potential work, participants will write down the job title; under the Target places of
employment, they will list the company name; and under Resume preparation, participants
are to list key words that would be required to note as a personal strength to bring to this
employer. This should be done for every potential contact.