Example of Exploring Employment Chart:
Potential work Target places of employment Resume preparation Feelings or keywords associated with visit Expectations of the workplace
Part 2: Interviewing Places of Business
  1. Have participants choose three businesses from the list on their charts that they are interested in working for. They will visit each place of business that week to seek information and/or ask for an application. It should be stressed that they are not setting up an interview for a job, but they are only to speak to someone at the place of business.
  2. Facilitators should now brainstorm with participants the types of questions they can ask an employee and/or use the handout (Questions to Ask an Employee) on page 192.
  3. Before participants go out to work sites to visit they should have a notepad to jot down any important information they would ask in their interview.
  4. Instruct participants to explain the reason for their visit and that they would like to inquire about interviewing and/or job shadowing with one of their employees for approximately 20 minutes. Participants can explain that they are interested in that field of work and would like to gain more insight, etc. Facilitators should have participants practise this first in a role-play activity.