- If employment opportunities are not available or required skills are lacking, participants
should also inquire about volunteer opportunities where they can gain the necessary skills.
It is important to explain to participants that alternative actions might be required before
they can realize their full goal, but not to give up and to look at every possible solution.
- After each visit, participants should transfer their notes onto a new Exploring Employment
Chart. Write the type of work explored under the Potential work heading, the employer’s
name and business under the Target places of employment heading, and keywords or
skills required under the Resume preparation heading. Participants will now use the other
two columns to note any feelings or key words associated with this visit, and the
expectations of the workplace, under the appropriate headings.
- Discuss the following with participants about their work site visits: expected hours of work,
dress code, employer expectations, and participant expectations.
- Ask participants for their feedback on doing this exercise. Did they gain more courage after
each encounter? Were potential employers open to their visit?
- Review the application forms that were collected and discuss the various designs and
wording on these forms.
- Ask participants to choose any or all of the application forms that they would like to
practise filling in.