Activity 1.1.4 Work Values
- Purpose
- To develop a clearer sense of work values
- Materials
- Handout–Work Values Inventory
Workbook/journal, optional use of magazine pictures and poster boards
- Time
- 1 hr
Part 1
- Inform participants that work values are things that we value as employees in a workplace,
e.g., location, respect, etc. Brainstorm with participants words that reflect values in a
workplace. The facilitator can record as the words are said. Again, try to develop a list of
20–30 words.
- Next, ask participants to choose their own (not a group choice) top 10 work value words.
- Participants can then write these in order of priority for themselves.
- At the end of the activity, ask each participant to disclose their top three values and give a brief
explanation of their reasons for choosing these values.
- Ask participants to make a note of anyone else who has the same top three values. Discussions
could reflect on similarities or on determining how their values were prioritized.
Here are some examples of words in a work values list:
- security
- location
- honesty
- individuality
- creativity
- intellectual
- variety
- independent
- freedom
- respect
- money
- teamwork
- recognition
- organized
- physical
- excitement
- community
- responsible