Part 2
  1. An additional activity (Work Values Inventory handout) can be used to help participants to become clearer in identifying their work values.
  2. Participants simply write a T indicating that a statement is true for them.
  3. After completing the inventory ask participants to review and compare their previous top three work value words to the sentences that they marked as important.
  4. Discuss the matches between their personal list and the inventory.
  5. Ask participants to create a new list using their top three work values as a heading. Then under each work value write the matching statements on the inventory. For example, a participant may say that a top work value is creativity. This matches with the Work Values Inventory statements “Finding solutions to problems is important to me” or “I need exciting work”.

Here is an example of word headings and statements of importance:

creativity praise security
Finding solutions to problems. Recognition for doing a good job. A steady job with a steady paycheque
Optional Part 3:

You can also use a poster board to showcase participants’ values by having participants draw a logo or cut and paste magazine pictures above the appropriate headings to symbolize their top work values.

Adapted from: Xavier Career Services Center. (n.d.). Career Exploration.