Activity 1.2.4 Life is a Circle

To have a visual of what is of value and recognize if one’s life is balanced
Various magazines, tape or glue, poster board, scissors, and markers
2–3 hrs
Spiritual, work, family, and leisure
  1. Spread a pile of magazines over the floor and ask participants to choose three or four of them.
  2. Instruct participants to cut out pictures that appeal to them. Allow about 30 minutes for this part of the exercise.
  3. Give each participant a poster board and a marker. Ask them to draw a large circle on their board and then section the circle into 4 quarters.
  4. Ask them to label each quarter as follows: spiritual, work, family, leisure.
  5. Tell participants to choose one picture from their pile that they like the best and set it aside.
  6. Then participants will decide which pictures should be placed in each quarter of their circle. Once their decisions are made, ask them to paste them to the board.
  7. The picture that was set aside can be pasted in the centre of their collage.
  8. At the end of this activity, ask participants to explain what their Life is a Circle collage means to them. Facilitators can ask the following kinds of questions: