Activity 1.2.4 Life is a Circle
- Purpose
- To have a visual of what is of value and recognize if one’s life is
- Materials
- Various magazines, tape or glue, poster board, scissors, and
- Time
- 2–3 hrs

- Spread a pile of magazines over the floor and ask
participants to choose three or four of them.
- Instruct participants to cut out pictures that
appeal to them. Allow about 30 minutes for this
part of the exercise.
- Give each participant a poster board and a
marker. Ask them to draw a large circle on their
board and then section the circle into 4 quarters.
- Ask them to label each quarter as follows:
spiritual, work, family, leisure.
- Tell participants to choose one picture from their
pile that they like the best and set it aside.
- Then participants will decide which pictures
should be placed in each quarter of their circle. Once their decisions are made, ask them to
paste them to the board.
- The picture that was set aside can be pasted in the centre of their collage.
- At the end of this activity, ask participants to explain what their Life is a Circle collage means
to them. Facilitators can ask the following kinds of questions:
- Does your life look balanced?
- Did you discover something new?
- What does the center picture mean to you?
- Is the collage a good reflection of who you are or what you stand for?