Activity 1.2.5 Paper Bag Boundaries
- Purpose
- To encourage positive views of oneself and others
- Materials
- Medium-sized paper lunch bags, magazines, coloured markers,
small sticky note pads or 3″ × 5″ pieces of paper, tape or glue,
- Time
- 2–3 hrs
- Ask participants to cut out pictures they like from various magazines. Give each participant a
lunch bag.
- The pictures they selected can be taped to the inside and the outside of the lunch bag.
Note: coloured markers can be used to replace or add value to the magazine pictures.
- Tell participants the inside pictures reflect how they see themselves and the outside pictures
reflect what they believe they show to the world. You may want to give participants a few
moments to relate to this idea and discuss informally.
- Next, give each participant sticky notes or pieces of 3″ × 5″ papers to write a positive
statement about each person in their group. Note: it is recommended to have about 4–6
people in a group.
- The notes should be folded and put into the appropriate person’s lunch bag. Ask participants
not to look at the notes at this time.
- Ask for volunteers to speak about their paper bag art. Then ask them to read the notes that
were put inside.
- At the end of this activity ask participants to talk about their discoveries and what they have
learned about themselves. Were they surprised by some of the comments they received?
- It is also recommended that a follow-up group discussion be added with suggested topics of:
- The value of giving others positive comments
- The value of receiving positive comments
- The value of our true selves
- What did participants learn by doing this activity?