Photocopy and cut along the dotted line to give each group or individual a separate problem.
- Marta: I feel very tired because I have so much to do. I go to school in the mornings to get my
high school credits. My husband works and our five children are all in school. My husband
wants me to quit school so I can spend more time with our children. What should I do?
- Ahmed: I am going to school and working too. I get up at six in the morning and catch the
seven o’clock bus to get to school for eight. I finish school at one in the afternoon. I work
from three in the afternoon until eleven o’clock at night. I get home from work at midnight. I
don’t have time to study or do my homework. What should I do?
- Zena: I am a single mother, raising two small children. I am in a program to prepare for a job
as a health care aide. My youngest daughter has health problems. I often have to take her to
the doctor. I miss many days of school because of this. What should I do?
- Rick: The manager at the restaurant where I work gets angry with me if I refuse to work
overtime. I like my job, but I don’t like to work more than seven hours a day because I don’t
want to miss my night class. I work as a cashier in a busy 24-hour restaurant. Sometimes other
cashiers call in sick. The manager has threatened to fire me if I refuse overtime again. I really
need the job. The manager says she really needs to be able to count on me. What should I do?