Activity 1.3.9 Creating Stories to Music
- Purpose
- To access emotional inspiration and creativity
- Materials
- Tape or CD player, three different instrumental music or
nature sound tapes or CDs
- Time
- 2 hrs

- Choose three different types of instrumental
music, e.g., drumming, classical guitar, etc., or
sounds from nature, e.g. ocean sounds, garden
sounds, etc. Ensure that each music piece
varies in tone and rhythm.
- Tell participants to listen first to the three
different recordings. Facilitators should play each
piece for approximately 15 seconds.
- Ask participants to choose a piece of music that will inspire them to create a story. Inform
them that they will be required to write a story to that piece of music while it is playing. Note:
depending on the writing skills of the group, the stories can range from three to ten sentences
or may simply be words and phrases. If writing skills are very low, ask participants to think
about a story in their minds.
- The facilitator will play all the recordings again for approximately two minutes each. While
the music is playing the participants can start writing their stories to their music choice. They
should try to write as much as they can.
- When all participants have finished the activity, ask for volunteers to tell their story.
- While the participant is telling the story, the facilitator is to play (at low volume) the
particular music piece that the participant had chosen.
- Suggested discussion questions:
- Why did they feel inspired by a particular music piece?
- Did the music make them feel engaged in their creative abilities?
An Alternative Method
- Form two or three groups and have each group choose one tape.
- Have participants go to an area of the room to collaborate and make up a small acting scene
(perhaps mime) that would best fit the piece of music.
- Allow approximately 30 minutes for groups to form their stories.
- Participants will then act out their scene with the chosen music playing in the background.