Complete the assessment chart to acknowledge what you have learned or gained from this unit.

Comment Yes No
1. I am confldent in my abilities and skills.
2. I am ready to actively look for employment.
3. I have support from family and/or friends.
4. I know what I have to offer potential employers.
5. I can see more employment opportunities available to me.
6. I have a plan of action to meet my goals.
7. I can communicate confldently about my skills and abilities.
8. I am willing to learn and improve what is needed.
9. My purpose in life is clear.
10. I know how or where to get employment support if needed.
11. My life goals are balanced and realistic.
12. I feel motivated and excited about my future goals.
13. I am proud of my past accomplishments.
14. My portfolio is organized and ready for interviews.
15. I am committed to seeing my goals through to completion.

Circle the one word that you think best describes you:

Independent          Team Player          Leader          Helpful          Adaptable          Understanding