Activity 2.2.1 Communicating Beliefs and Social Behaviours
- Purpose
- To identify and communicate beliefs
- Materials
- Handout–Beliefs and Social Behaviours Checklist
- Time
- 30 mins
- Identifying beliefs and communicating about our social behaviours can help participants gain
a wider knowledge of similarities/differences and overcome perceived barriers. Facilitators
should take the opportunity to discuss that we live in a world of various cultures and there are
no wrong answers. Facilitators should also instruct participants to avoid commenting on
anyone else’s beliefs; this is an exercise for participants to gain courage in speaking about what
they believe in and what is true for them.
- Facilitators can hand out the checklist, and ask participants to highlight the statements that
best describe their beliefs. Facilitators may want to read these to the class and have participants
follow along and highlight.
- After completing the checklist, ask for volunteers to discuss their choices. Instruct other
participants to listen without comment and remind them that this part of the exercise is not
open for discussion or debate.
- Facilitators can now use this same list to examine North American cultural norms.
Participants can work in small groups or as a large group to make their choices. Did
participants see many differences or very few differences between themselves and what they
decided were North American beliefs and social behaviours?
- Facilitators may choose to remind participants that many cultures make the fabric of North
American culture and therefore, all of these social behaviours can apply.