1. Sense of self and space |
- informal handshake, hugs
- formal hugs, bows, handshakes
2. Dress and appearance |
- dress for success
- wide range of accepted dress
- more casual
- dress seen as a sign of position
- religious rules
- formal
3. Food and eating habits |
- eating as a necessity; fast food
- dining as a social experience
- religious rules
4. Time |
- time = money
- time awareness
- time is well spent on enjoyment
- time is best calculated by nature
5. Relationship, family, and friends |
- focus on nuclear family
- responsibility for self
- value on youth; age is seen as a handicap
- focus on extended family
- loyalty and responsibility to family
- age is given status and respect
6. Beliefs and attitudes |
- challenge authority
- gender equality
- behaviour and action affect the future
- respect for authority and social order
- different roles for men and women
- fate controls and predetermines the future
7. Mental processes and learning style |
- problem-solving focus
- internal focus of control
- individuals control their destiny
- accept life’s difficulties
- external focus of control
- individuals accept their destiny
8. Work habits and practices |
- reward is based on individual achievement
- reward is based on seniority
- work has value
- work is a necessity of life