Using the handout, instruct participants to write down in their workbook or journal five
things that they dislike about themselves.
Participants will fill in the form for acknowledging dislikes and rewrite their top three
personal dislikes in the appropriate column.
Participants now put a checkmark in the appropriate columns: I can do something about this;
or, I can’t do anything about this.
After participants have acknowledged their “can do” list, instruct them to rewrite these dislikes
into a more positive affirmation, e.g.: “I make an effort to overcome my shyness in groups; or
“I slow down my speech when I feel nervous.” (It’s important to say these in the present tense
and not in the future tense, as this convinces the brain that the action to overcome a dislike is
already happening.)
Ask participants to commit some time to practising these affirmations at home. These are
practised by looking in a mirror and saying aloud each positive affirmation three times.