Activity 2.2.5 Making an Inspirational Poster for My Life
- Purpose
- To develop personal inspiration
- Materials
- Old calendars with inspirational pictures and magazines with
lots of advertisements, poster boards, glue or tape, coloured
- Time
- 1–2 hrs
- Discuss the meaning of the word “inspiration” with participants. The Merriam-Webster
Dictionary defines inspiration as “the act or power of moving the intellect or emotions”. Ask if
they know of anyone or anything that inspires them, e.g., walking along the waterfront or
beach can give people a feeling of inspiration.
- After discussion, participants will make an inspirational poster for their life.
- Ask them to choose mostly words and phrases, and a few pictures that they feel are inspiring
to them. They can also add their own words or phrases to the poster using coloured markers.
- At the end of the activity, have participants discuss their inspirational poster and what it
means to them.
- Participants should keep this poster in a place where they can see it everyday to remind them
of a life that they want and feel inspired by.