Activity 2.2.6 The “Ali” Chant
- Purpose
- To build confidence and develop positive affirmations
- Materials
- Handout–The Story of Mohamed Ali
- Time
- 20 mins

- Facilitators can introduce the boxer, Mohamed Ali, and talk
about his belief in chanting positive affirmations. Read the
story to participants (see handout on next page) or
familiarize yourself with the story and retell it to the class.
- After reading the story, ask participants what Ali’s affirmation/
chant was and if they believed this contributed to his success.
- Ask participants if they would like to experience that same
confidence. Discuss how that might feel.
- Instruct them now to stand and place their feet firmly on the floor
(or stand on a chair or desk, if the furniture is solid enough).
- Ask them to raise their arms above their heads and clench their
- Now, tell them to shout “I am the greatest!”
- Have participants bring down their arms, and this time shout the Ali chant louder every time
they raise their fists above their head. Do this about three times, reminding participants to
make their voice louder after each chant.
- After this activity, discuss with participants how their energy level feels at this time.