Each unit is organized as follows:
As you go through the examples, you will see reduced images of the handouts. These are located next to the description of the activity where they are to be used. Full size copies of the same handouts - for reproduction and use in programs - can be found at the end of each unit.
The original authentic texts from which the two units were developed are very different. The Fight for the Living unit was developed from a single information pamphlet - an 8"x14" sheet of paper folded in three and printed on both sides. In contrast, the Water Watch unit was developed from an authentic text that is much more extensive and complex - a large manual in binder form that serves as a resource for a public campaign. As well, the unit drew additional material from current newspaper coverage of water issues.
Although presented in a similar format, the two units are quite different in terms of length and complexity. The Fight for the Living unit, based on a brief source text, consists of eight activities. The Water Watch unit, based on much more extensive source material, is correspondingly longer and more complex. It is divided into six parts and each of these, in turn, is composed of various activities. Because of these differences in length and complexity, the two units will require different amounts of program time and may prove suitable to different levels.