Thumbnail of handout 3 Thumbnail of handout 4
Part 3.
The Privatization of Water

Prepare puzzles using hand-out # 3 - They can't buy the air we breathe ... so they want to buy the water we drink. This is a copy of the front page of the CUPE flyer about the Water watch campaign. Make multiple photocopies of the handout - one for each participant. Cut along the dotted lines. Put each cut-up puzzle into a separate envelope.

Pre-reading activity

Hand out puzzle envelopes. Depending on skill levels, participants can work alone or in pairs to put the puzzle together.

In small groups, ask participants to read and discuss the message that is visible on the completed puzzle - They can't buy the air we breathe ... 50 they want to buy the water we drink. Ask them to consider the following questions written on the flipchart:

  1. Who do you think they are?
  2. Why would they want to buy the water we drink?
  3. How can this be done?

In the large group, discuss participants' ideas.

Reading comprehension and discussion

Distribute handout # 4 - Water is a basic human right ... Have participants read silently both the story and the list of missing words and then do the doze exercise. They can work individually or in pairs. Read aloud to confirm responses. Discuss.

From the reading, find answers to the three questions and record on the flipchart:

  1. Who? = corporations/private sector/investors/shareholders
  2. Why? = profit
  3. How? = privatizing this public service by offering to "help" municipal governments who don't have enough money to pay for an adequate water and sewage system