Water Watch
Part 5.
The Water Watch campaign
Pre-reading discussion

Present the Water Watch logo to the group by posting it on the flipchart for all to see. Ask them the following:

"We have been learning a lot about issues related to water. Look at this logo called 'Water Watch'. What do you think this is about?"

Note the eye in the centre of the logo. Ask participants to name the kinds of things we need to be watching out for or "keeping an eye out" for in regard to water. List responses in point form on the flipchart.

Reading the Water Watch pamphlet

Hand out a copy of the blue Water watch pamphlet to each participant. There is one copy included in this guide and you can order multiple copies from the address listed on the pamphlet.

participants will be familiar with parts of the pamphlet that were used in earlier activities. Have them read the pamphlet silently to find out:

Discuss the questions as a group. Then have participants identify:

Viewing the Water Watch video

Introduce the Water Watch video Foonote 1 *. Have participants make some predictions about what they might expect to see in the video. The video lasts 10 minutes. After the viewing, invite questions and comments from participants. Make a group summary on the flipchart about the key points made in the video.

Ask participants, "How does this relate to us? Why might we want to get involved? How could weget involved?"

Skip footnote section

Return to note * Get the video from CUPE at 1 877-CUPE-H20 or www.cupe.ca