Translation of Materials in Clear Language

Planning bilingual conferences

Translation should not be an afterthought, but part of the conference preparation from the outset. For example, the theme or title of the conference should be developed in English and French. If the conference is to be in two languages, the preparation should be done in both languages. In all planarians, maintain an appropriate language balance. For example, no plenary should have presenters in one language only.

In the chart below, responsibility for various aspects of organizing the translation of conference documents is assigned to either "Organizers and Writers" or "Translators." Many of the points made under 'Organizers and Writers' also apply to 'Translators'. For example, translators should use clear sentences, write for the intended audience and avoid jargon. Translators translate ideas or concepts, not just words. When the original document is written in clear language, there is usually no problem translating it into clear language. When an original document is not in clear language, the translator has to reformulate it to produce a clear language translation.