Clear Language Logistics CHECKLIST
Here are a few other things to keep in mind as you plan the conference:

- Room space and layout
- Are the rooms large enough for the number of participants you expect?
- Will everyone be able to see and hear well?
- Will the space accommodate the activities you have planned?
For example, can participants break out into small groups?
- Can you use tape on the walls to post visuals, flip chart paper, etc.?
- Are ALL the rooms accessible to participants in wheelchairs, scooters, etc.?
- Is there good light and air circulation?
- Will there be water provided at the tables?
- Is there a room where people can gather to network outside planned activities?
- Are the washrooms close by?
- Signage
- Make sure you have clear signs in both French and English to indicate where various
activities are taking place, where the office and washrooms are, etc.
- Name Tags
- Make sure name tags are in large font (at least 16point) and in bold letters.
- Use different coloured tags to identify staff, speakers, facilitators and participants
by their name, organization and role.