Prefixes and Suffixes

Prefixes of quantity Prefixes of direction or position
Prefix Meaning Prefix Meaning
amphi-, diplo- both, double, two ab-, de-, ef-, ex- away, away from
bi-, di- two acro-, apici- top, highest
centi- one hundredth ad-, af- to, toward
equi-, iso- equal antero-, proto- front
haplo- single, simple anti-, contra- against, opposite
hemi-, semi- one-half archi-, primi-, proto- first
hex- six circum-, peri- around
holo- whole deutero- second
quadri- four dia-, trans- across
milli- one thousandth ecto-, exo-, extra- outside
mono-, uni- one endo-, ento-, intra- inner, within
multi-, poly- many epi- upon, over
oligo- few hyper-, supra- above, over
omni- all hypo-, infra-, sub- under, below
pento- five inter-, meta- between
tri- three medi-, meso- middle
    post-, postero- behind
    pre-, pro- before, in front of
    retro- backward
    ultra- beyond