Miscellaneous prefixes Miscellaneous suffixes
Prefix Meaning Suffix Meaning
a-, an-, e- without, lack of -ac, -al, -alis, -an, -ar, -ary pertaining to
chloro- green -asis, -asia, -esis condition of
con- together, with -blast bud, sprout
contra- against -cide killer
dis- apart, away -clast break down, broken
dys- difficult, painful -elle, -il little, small
erythro- red -emia condition of blood
eu- true, good -fer to bear
hetero- different, other -la, -ism condition of
homo-, homeo- same, similar -ic, -ical, -ine, -ous pertaining to
leuco-, leuko- white -id member of group
meta- change, after -itis inflammation
micro- small -lysis loosening, split apart
neo- new -oid like, similar to
necro- dead, corpse -logy study of
pseudo- false -oma tumour
re- again -osis a condition, disease
sym-, syn- together, with -pathy disease
tachy- quick, rapid -phore, -phora bearer
    -sect, -tome, -tomy cut
    -some, -soma body
    -stat stationary, placed
    -tropic change, influence
    -vor to eat

Harvill, M. (n.d.). Common prefixes, suffixes and root words. Columbus, Mississippi: Dr. Marty Harvill’s Website at the Mississippi University for Women. http://www2.muw.edu/~mharvill/Prefixes.rtf. Used with permission.

Handout 8.9