Thirteen Ways to Renew
Your Relationship with Math
- Recall math memories. Reflect on your past experiences learning math.
- Self-monitor while doing math. This requires attending to your thoughts and
feelings while doing math.
- Notice what you do, think and feel when you’re in a frustrating situation unrelated to
- Flounder constructively – experiment with possible ways of solving a problem and
record findings.
- Change from “the way to do it” to “the ways to do it.” Doing it your way is okay.
- Eliminate anxiety-producing experiences: allow time to figure out the work; share
your work if you feel comfortable; use stress reduction exercises such as: breathing
slowly, stretching, looking out the window or going for a walk.
- Note how the learning situation is different now as an adult. You know how to learn
and the teaching situation is set up differently.
- Use mistakes differently. Instead of looking at them as being “wrong,” look at them
as ways of learning. Understand that making mistakes is part of the process.
- Take time to practise math. It also takes time to read math and to work it out.
- Talk to yourself and others – have a “math conversation.”
- Make representations of stories, drawings, anything you like that you can move
around. They help you to understand or see how things change or why things are
done a certain way. They also help you remember concepts learned. You can make
posters or cards to help you remember.
- Approach math from an angle that interests you. For example, study the history of
math or use manipulatives. See math as a task rather than a series of exercises.
- Have a taste of success.
Blayney, I., & Hagedorn, L. (2004). Developing learning materials for adult numeracy. Ottawa, Ontario: Ottawa-Carleton District School Board,
Literacy and Basic Skills Program. Used with permission.
Handout 9.1