Learner Profile 4
- Male, 56 years old, retired, widowed.
School experiences
- You had limited schooling.
- You went to school until you found work.
- You were not in any special education classes when you were in school.
- You thought about going to night school, but this is the first time you’ve enquired
about upgrading.
- Your wife used to handle most of the reading and writing. You need to improve
your reading and writing skills so that you can manage for yourself.
- You have transportation and lots of time.
- You can read a few signs and labels.
- You can read you name, address and phone number.
- You want to be able to read information you get in the mail, your phone bill, light
bill and so on.
- You would like to read about people and places (non-fiction).
- You feel embarrassed when you have to read something and usually find an excuse
not to read.
- You have a friend who helps you with reading and writing.
- You can write your name, address (with assistance) and phone number.
- You are very nervous about writing.
- You usually get someone else to write for you.
- You try to avoid writing.
- You can add and subtract, but have difficulty with multiplication and division.
- You can figure out some of your bills and most of your cheques.
- You would like to know more about the metric system.
- You think your math skills are okay.
Nova Scotia tutor and instructor training and certification program: Facilitator’s guide. (n.d.). Halifax, Nova Scotia: Adult Education Division of
the Nova Scotia Department of Education. Used with permission.
Handout 9.8