Extended Activity
With an extended activity, the tutor uses a
theme of interest to the learner to develop a
series of active and authentic numeracy “units”
such as the one outlined below.
- Use lessons covering the following concepts
before doing this extended activity:
- Percentages
- Chequing accounts
- Savings accounts
- Wages – including deductions
- Household expenses
- Grocery shopping
- Budgets
- Reconciling a bank statement
- Objective: Give your learner a real-life
situation that requires the use of all he has
learned, in a realistic situation.
- Give your learner “a life”:
- In advance, write out different scenarios
that your learner may have (for example,
single parent with one child age four;
married with spouse not working with
three children ages four, five and eight).
- Write out different jobs – server, sales
clerk, waiter, teacher, nurse, etc., and
include his salary, any benefits he gets,
how often he gets paid and so on.
- Give him a cheque book and a certain
balance to start with.
- Inform your learner he will have to find a
place to live. Have several newspapers ready
for him to find a suitable place to fit his
“family.” He has to write a cheque to you for
rent, deposit, and so on. He will also have to
write out cheques for all his bills and extra
spending that might pop up. Have him write
two cheques per week for miscellaneous
items. Ask your learner to draw from a
number of slips of paper you have prepared
describing various scenarios, for example, to
determine whether or not he has a car and
whether or not he has to make car payments.
- Tell your learner that all cheques go to
you. (You are the bank.) Every learning
session, he receives a different statement
about things that can happen to a person
in real life (for example, child needs braces;
pay orthodontist $200 each month for the
next 10 months). At the end of two weeks,
give him a bank statement and have him
reconcile his cheque book.
- Items to be turned in include the following:
- budget – per month
- revised budgets – if his first one didn’t
- deposit slips for all deposits going into
the chequing account.
- Extend the problem even further to buying a
house, developing a long-term financial plan,
learning about credit and investing, and so
There are a great many opportunities to
blend in reading, writing and spelling in this
Adapted from Herod, L. (2000). Numeracy for adult literacy learners. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Adult Literacy and Continuing Education, Manitoba
Education and Training. For this publication www.edu.gov.mb.ca/ael/all/publications/numeracy_revised_oct00.pdf, for a list of all publications
www.edu.gov.mb.ca/ael/all/publications.html. Used with permission.
Handout 9.9