What Is a Learning Disability?
- An information-processing disability
- Affects the way someone takes in, remembers, understands and expresses information
- A neurological disability
- Something that affects 10-15% of the population
- Occurs when there are very large differences between a person’s learning strengths and weaknesses so that the weaknesses seem to continually get in the way and prevent the individual from demonstrating her strengths
- An invisible handicap
- A real disability that is recognized in legislation as a handicap
- A condition that can affect reading, writing, spelling, calculation, communication, memory, attention, organization, coordination and/or social competence
- Something that can have an ongoing impact on friendships, school, work,self-esteem and daily life
- A lifelong disability
- A distinct handicapping condition in the presence of average to aboveaverage intelligence
- A condition that varies in severity and type
Handout 10.2