How Learning Disabilities Can Impact
the Information-processing Cycle
There are three stages to learning:
- inputting information
- processing information
- outputting information
There is a breakdown at one or all three of the stages for adults with learning disabilities.
Signs at the input stage:
- limited amount of information taken in at once
- distraction or short attention span, which can result in a loss of all or some of the
- one or more of the five senses hindering the ability to take in information
Signs at the processing stage:
- difficulty organizing and putting information in order
- difficulty integrating new information with old information
- limited short- or long-term memory, resulting in information being forgotten or lost
- difficulty transferring information learned visually with information learned auditorily
or vice versa
- difficulty encoding and decoding information
Signs at the output stage:
- difficulty writing information even though it is understood or can be expressed
- difficulty completing tasks even though the knowledge is present
- difficulty expressing verbal knowledge
Fowler, J. A. (2003). Learning disabilities training: A new approach. London, Ontario: Literacy Link South Central. Used with permission.
Handout 10.3