- Engage in leisure activities other than
- Prefer more active pursuits.
- Discuss with learners why they have limited interest.
- Find out about other interests and begin introducing material that is related
to their interests.
- Cannot easily use materials like
newspapers and classified ads to obtain
- Demonstrate how the documents are organized.
- Provide reading comprehension strategies, questioning and paraphrasing
and provide a step-by-step process to search the material in an organized manner.
- Do not attempt to sound out words in
reading or do so incorrectly.
- May read words with syllables
backwards (was for saw; net for ten).
- Introduce strategies such as word-to-word matching, blending and wordpart
- Build a list of words that contain syllables learners read backwards. Learners
can refer to this list before reading to help them watch for reversals.
- Encourage learners to self-correct.
- May encounter a newly learned word in a
text and not recognize it when it appears
later in that text.
- Before reading, pre-teach unfamiliar but important words.
- During the reading have learners add new words to a list.
- After reading have learners review the words and use their own words to
explain the meaning.
- Use word-building strategies to teach prefixes, suffixes and combining
- Have them build their own dictionaries of new words by listing the word,
writing a brief definition, drawing a picture to illustrate the meaning and
identifying an antonym or synonym for the word, if possible.
- Read slowly and laboriously, if at all.
- May skip words, leave endings off and
make frequent repetitions.
- May refuse to read orally.
- Work on fluency and use a variety of cueing strategies such as background
knowledge, pictures, meaning, structure/grammar and sound/symbol
- Build on word identification and word-part highlighting strategies.
- Offer to read together to build confidence in oral reading.
- Lose the meaning of text, but understand
the same material when it is read aloud
– visual processing disabilities.
- Have them read the text or passage into a tape recorder and then listen to it
to increase reading comprehension.
- Introduce reading comprehension strategies for silent reading.
- Do not understand the text when it is
read to them – auditory disability.
- Provide a copy of the material so they can follow along.
- Help them recognize this disability and encourage them to review chapters
prior to lessons if they are in a classroom format or if they plan to access
further education/training.
- When prompted to do so, do not
describe the strategies they use to assist
them with decoding and comprehending
- Introduce the concept of strategies.
- Teach reading and decoding strategies and work with learners to build their
ability to use the strategies independently.
- Recognize and use fewer words,
expressions and sentence structures
than peers.
- Before reading, pre-teach unfamiliar but important words.
- During reading, have learners add new words to a list.
- After reading, have learners review the words and use their own words to
explain the meaning.
- Use word-building strategies to teach prefixes, suffixes and combining
- Build personal dictionaries by listing the word, writing a brief definition,
drawing a picture to illustrate the meaning and identifying an antonym or
synonym for the word, if possible.