Strategies for Learning
Auditory Learners
- Study with a friend. That way you can talk about the informationand HEAR it too.
- If you want to remember something, say it out loud several times.
- Ask your teacher or tutor if you can hand in some work as an oralpresentation or on audiotape.
- Make your own tapes of what you want to remember. Listen to themover and over. This is especially useful when you study for tests.
- When you read, start by talking about the book. Look through itto see if you can decide what it is about. Talk about the pictures,chapter titles and other clues. Say out loud what you think this bookcould be about.
- Make flash cards for what you want to learn. Use them over andover. Read them out loud.
- Set a goal for your assignments. Say your goals out loud each timeyou begin work on that particular assignment.
- Read out loud when possible. You need to HEAR the words as youread them to understand them well.
- When doing math, use grid paper to help you set your sums outcorrectly and in their correct columns.
- Use different colours and pictures in your notes, exercise books andso on. This will help you remember them.