Strategies for Learning
Visual Learners
- Try to work in a quiet place. Wear earmuffs or earplugs if you need to.
- Some visual learners like soft music in the background.
- You might miss something your tutor or teacher says, or you might notunderstand it. If that happens, ask them to please repeat or explain it.
- Most visual learners learn best alone. If you prefer to work by yourself, then letyour tutor or teacher know.
- When you are studying, take many notes and write down lots of details.
- When you are writing out notes to learn something, cover your notes and thenrewrite them. Rewriting will help you remember better.
- Use colour to highlight main ideas.
- Before starting an assignment, set a goal and write it down. Even post it in frontof you. Read it as you do your assignment.
- Before reading a chapter or a book, look it over first. Look at the pictures,headings and so on.
- When you are in a classroom, try to put your desk away from the door andwindows. Try to sit close to the front of the class. That way you will not have asmany distractions. It will help you pay attention.
- Write your own flash cards. Look at them often and write out the main points.Then check them again.
- Use visual aids to help you study and to present your work. For example, use
charts, maps, posters, films, videos, computer software and overhead projectors.