Strategies for Learning
Tactile-Kinesthetic Learners
- To memorize something, walk around
while you say it to yourself over and over.
You can also use flash cards or notes while
you are walking around.
- When you read a short story or chapter in
a book, try a whole-to-part approach. This
means you should look at the whole thing
first. Then look at the smaller parts. Try to
get a feel for the book.
- First look through the pictures.
- Then read the headings.
- Then read the first and last paragraphs
of the story or chapter.
- You could also try skimming the
chapter or short story backwards,
paragraph by paragraph. Skimming
means looking over something quickly.
- If you need to fidget, try not to disturb
others. Try jiggling your legs or feet. You
could do some hand and finger exercises.
Or you could handle a koosh ball, tennis
ball or something like that.
- You might not study best if you are sitting
at a desk. Try lying on your stomach
or back. Try studying while sitting in a
comfortable chair or on cushions or a
- Studying with music in the background
might suit you. Try to use calm music,
like classical music. Baroque music is
often best. Music with a heavy rhythm
will be more difficult.
- Use coloured construction paper to cover
your desk or even decorate your area.
Choose your favourite colour as this
will help you focus. This is called colour
- Try reading through coloured
transparencies to help focus your
attention. Transparencies are clear plastic
pages. They come in different colours. Try
a variety of colours to see which colours
work best for you.
- When you study, take many breaks but be
sure to settle back down to work quickly.
A reasonable schedule would be 15-25
minutes of study, 3-5 minutes of break
- When you memorize information,
try closing your eyes and writing the
information in the air or on something
with your finger. Try to picture the words
in your head as you are doing this. Try to
hear the words in your head too.
- Later, when you try to remember this
information, close your eyes and try to see
it with your mind’s eye and to hear it in
your head.
- When you learn new information, it
will help you to make something. For
example, make task cards, flash cards,
electro-boards, card games, floor games
and so on. This will help you process the
Handout 3.5