What Helps You to Learn English?


Read and check A lot Sometimes A little
Example: I like to learn grammar.

A. In English class

1. I like to learn by listening.
2. I like to learn grammar rules.
3. I like to talk in English even if I make mistakes.
4. I like to read.
5. I like to write everything in my notebook.
6. I like to see the spelling for new words.
7. I like to use a textbook.
8. I like to repeat with the tutor.
9. I like the tutor to tell me all my mistakes.
10. I like to find my own mistakes.
11. I like to practise the sounds and pronunciation.
12. I listen to my pronunciation when I am learning.
13. I like to have tests.
14. I like to memorize words and expressions.
15. I find my special problems in English and try to fix them.