Parts of Speech

Sentences are made up of words that can be combined in many different ways. How this is done is called grammar. Each word in a sentence is used in a particular way, which means it belongs to a particular class of words. These classes of words are called parts of speech.

Noun   name of a person, place or thing
(including ideas)
common noun written with lower case unless beginning a sentence woman, house, dog, tree, love
proper noun particular person, place or thing - always capitalized Maureen, Cold Lake, Canada Post
Pronoun   stands for or takes the place of a noun The boys were hungry, so they made lunch.
Verb   talks about an action or a state of being  
simple or main verbs   walk, eats, typed, is, are, was, were
helper or auxiliary verbs used to help a main verb or form other tenses is walking, was eating, will have typed
  verb tense tells when (present past or future)  
Adverb adverbial tells how or how much an action is done, or when or where it takes place She ran quickly. He is coming now. It is here. He is much bigger.
modifier can also be used to describe an adjective or introduce a sentence a fairly good throw; Honestly, I can’t help it.
  often ends in ly  
Adjective   describes a noun; specifies size, colour, quantity, characteristics tall man, fresh green salad, small black kitten
Preposition   tells about position or movement  
modifier shows how a noun or pronoun is related to the rest of the sentence on the road, beside the girl, towards the front
prepositional adverb used with a noun, can do the work of an adverb I found him there. I found him near the gate.
prepositional verb used with a verb to give a different meaning than the verb alone laugh at, look into
Conjunction   connects two (or more) words or phrases or clauses  
coordinating connects two things of the same value like single words, phrases, or clauses or, for, nor, and, so, but, yet
subordinating joins independent and dependent clauses; places a condition on the sentence though, since, because, although, until, while
Interjection   an exclamation Oh! Egad! Bah! Yecch!
Determiner   definite (the) and indefinite (a, an) articles and possessives; can be difficult for some ESL learners the boot, a tree, an apple, my pencil, Mary’s chair

English, I. (n.d.). Parts of speech. Workshop handout. Used with permission.

Handout 12.19