Modal Auxiliaries

Modals auxiliaries are a special class of verbs that indicate degrees of probability and necessity. Many ESL learners have trouble with modal auxiliaries. Below is a chart giving examples. Verbs in italics are not used very often.

May Polite request May I borrow your pen?  
  Formal permission You may leave the room.  
  Possibility Where’s John? He may be at the library. I’m not sure. Where was John? He might have been at the library.
Might Possibility Where’s John? He might be at the library. I’m not sure. Where was John? He might have been at the library.
  Polite request Might I borrow your pen?  
Should, had better Advisability I should study tonight.
I had better study tonight.
I should have studied last night.
  90% certain She studied very hard. She should do well on the exam tomorrow. She studied very hard. She should have done well on the exam yesterday.
Ought to   She ought to do well on the exam tomorrow. She ought to have done well on the exam yesterday.
Could Past ability   I could run fast when I was a child.
  Polite request Could I borrow your pen?  
  Suggestion I need help in math. You could talk to your teacher. You could have talked to your teacher.
  Less than 50% possibility Where is John? He could be at home. Where was John? He could have been at home.
  Impossibility That couldn’t be true! That couldn’t have been true!
Would Polite request Would you please pass the salt?  
  Preference Would you mind if I left early?  
    I would rather go to the park than stay home. I would rather have gone to the park.
  Repeated action in the past   When I was a child, I would visit my grandparents every weekend.