This chart shows Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal approaches to life in general and learning specifically. Because these are generalizations, the ideas will not be true for each individual. Many Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people may have traits from both lists. The individual’s learning styles and traits are still the most important to the instructor/tutor and must be discovered by talking to and learning from the learner.
Aboriginal | Non-Aboriginal |
World View | |
Cyclical (oral tradition) | Linear (print tradition) |
Tribe and extended family as social base | Individual and nuclear family as social base |
Tolerance of individual differences | Emphasis on compliance and conformity |
Customs and situational ethics | Rules and rigid morality |
Less emphasis on materialism | Greater emphasis on material values |
Language | |
More non-verbal communication | More verbal communication |
Observant (less talkative) | Participant (more talkative) |
Often speaks non-standard English dialect | Generally speaks standard English dialect |
More visually and orally oriented | More print-oriented |
Rarely read to, few print materials | Often read to; home may have variety of print materials |
Teaching Style | |
Concrete demonstration by Elders and experts | Lecture and reading by certified professionals |
Integrated with family, community and life | Separated from life and community |
Learning takes place in natural setting | Learning takes place in restricted (classroom) setting |
Learning Style | |
Exploratory | Forced |
Peer and personal reward system (intrinsic) | External rewards |
Process-oriented (doing), co-operative | Product-oriented (achieving), competitive |
Independent and autonomous | Dependent and controlled |
Learning Routines | |
Flexible and non-existent | Rigid, structured |
“Staying with a task” not emphasized | “Staying with a task” emphasized |
Time a minor factor | Time is a factor |
Saskatchewan level 2 learning how to learn. (2001). Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan Literacy Network. Used with permission. Contact the Network at or 1-888-511-2111.
Handout 3.10