
This chart shows Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal approaches to life in general and learning specifically. Because these are generalizations, the ideas will not be true for each individual. Many Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people may have traits from both lists. The individual’s learning styles and traits are still the most important to the instructor/tutor and must be discovered by talking to and learning from the learner.

Aboriginal Non-Aboriginal
World View
Cyclical (oral tradition) Linear (print tradition)
Tribe and extended family as social base Individual and nuclear family as social base
Tolerance of individual differences Emphasis on compliance and conformity
Customs and situational ethics Rules and rigid morality
Less emphasis on materialism Greater emphasis on material values
More non-verbal communication More verbal communication
Observant (less talkative) Participant (more talkative)
Often speaks non-standard English dialect Generally speaks standard English dialect
More visually and orally oriented More print-oriented
Rarely read to, few print materials Often read to; home may have variety of print materials
Teaching Style
Concrete demonstration by Elders and experts Lecture and reading by certified professionals
Integrated with family, community and life Separated from life and community
Learning takes place in natural setting Learning takes place in restricted (classroom) setting
Learning Style
Exploratory Forced
Peer and personal reward system (intrinsic) External rewards
Process-oriented (doing), co-operative Product-oriented (achieving), competitive
Independent and autonomous Dependent and controlled
Learning Routines
Flexible and non-existent Rigid, structured
“Staying with a task” not emphasized “Staying with a task” emphasized
Time a minor factor Time is a factor

Saskatchewan level 2 learning how to learn. (2001). Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan Literacy Network. Used with permission. Contact the Network at www.sk.literacy.ca or 1-888-511-2111.

Handout 3.10