Sample Questionnaire A
Questions to ask a learner
- Do you need reading to help you at your work?
- Do you want to learn how to solve problems in your life?
- Do you want to learn more about the world around you (such as information on
history, geography and great literature)?
- Do you want to learn more about yourself?
- What are some of the things you are interested in?
- Do you like working closely with just one person?
- How do you feel about learning?
- What have you found helps you in learning new things?
- What do you think will make this a good learning experience for you?
- Can you think of something that would make it difficult for you to meet with a tutor?
- What are some school experiences you remember?
- How do you feel about reading?
- Do you believe a person can get better at reading?
- Do you believe that learning the sounds of words will make you a good reader?
- How do you feel about writing?
- Do you believe that all good readers are also good writers?
- Do you believe that if you were a good speller you would also be a good writer?
- How do you remember a telephone number from the first time you hear it to the time
you use it? (This will find out what learning strategy the learner uses.)
- How would you remember where you parked your car in a large car park? (Again, this
will find out what learning strategy the learner uses.)