Sample Questionnaire B

Interests, activities, hobbies

Engage the learner in a conversation about favourite recreation, sports and leisure activities. Talk about any organizations or groups that the learner belongs to. Talk about the kinds of things that he likes to learn, watch on TV or read about. Also, ask about the things that he would like to read and write about in class.

The following are sample questions that can be used to initiate this conversation.

  1. What kinds of activities do you like to do the most?
  2. What kinds of activities don’t you like to do?
  3. What would you do if you won the lottery?
  4. What is the best holiday you have ever had?
  5. If you could spend a whole day doing anything you wanted, what would you do?
  6. Tell me about someone you really admire.

Creative student assessment: A guide to developing meaningful evaluation. (1995). Winnipeg, Manitoba: Manitoba Advanced Education and Training, Adult Learning and Literacy. Used with permission.