What are some of the other issues that I might encounter?

The table below describes some difficult issues you might encounter as you work with your learner. It offers reasons for her behaviour and suggestions for dealing with the issues.

It is important to keep staff informed if your learner loses motivation or misses a few sessions. Do not let this become a problem.

Issues Reasons and suggestions
Prefers not to write things down Offer to do the writing or get her to write a few words over a period of time.
Forgets things very easily She may have a poor short-term memory – needs to practise between classes. May be affected by other personal problems.
Often grasps ideas more slowly than you thought Build on her past experience. Present concepts in a variety of ways.
Never finishes a story Use materials that can be covered in one lesson.
Knows more about some topics than you Learn from her experience.
Is quiet and does not want to communicate much May have had bad experiences with instructors in the past. Gain her trust.
Chats non-stop May be nervous and want to postpone learning. Use her experience in lessons.
Has difficulty starting new habits It is hard to unlearn mistakes. Be patient.
Is too nervous to concentrate for long Helping to cope with learning is as important as teaching her to read and write. Keep materials short. Have plenty of variety.
Is depressed She may have pressures at home. Put prepared lessons aside if she needs to talk. Encourage journal writing. Make the learning environment comfortable. Give opportunities for success. Consult staff.
Does not like another member of the group She may feel other learners are taking up too much of your time. There may be cultural differences. Discuss with the instructor.
Does not like you You may remind her of someone else. She may feel you are not interested. Talk to program staff if you cannot resolve the issue or you would like advice.
Is tired Learning should be in short chunks and varied. Perhaps you could arrange a different meeting time.
Stops coming You or the instructor will need to contact her and find out what is happening. Sometimes, all it takes is a call to show you care. Some programs will have a policy regarding attendance.

Harwood, C. (2001). Handbook for literacy tutors. Ottawa, Ontario: Ottawa-Carleton Coalition for Literacy. ISBN 1-894593-10-3. Used with permission.

Handout 4.5