Setting Goals – An Overview
Elements of the goal-setting process
- Identify short- and long-term goals.
- Break goals into smaller pieces and be as specific as possible.
- Determine steps to achieve each goal.
- Determine which goals are most important to work on first.
- Record the goals in a learning plan.
- Develop a timetable for accomplishing each goal.
- Determine how you will know when you have reached a goal.
- Every time you reach a goal, celebrate in a way that is meaningful for the
- Review the learning plan regularly and revise it as necessary.
Some tips for setting goals
- Include your learner in the planning process.
- Ask your learner what he hopes to accomplish.
- Establish realistic time frames for achieving the goal.
- Use one of the questionnaires to help determine the learners’ goals.
- Find your learners’ strengths.
- Idea: You could ask your learner to name three things he is good at.
- Beginning learners have difficulty stating goals. You may need to find out
- more about your learner
- what is happening in his life
- if the learner knows what a goal is
- The first goal could even be to focus on learning how to learn.
Review the goals often because they can change.
Remember that the reason to set goals is to
- help your learner to realize he is making progress
- help you determine what progress he has made
- help you and your learner know what to work on
Handout 4.6