Examples of materials that can be kept in a portfolio
- writing samples of various types
- notes on the student’s strengths and needs
- lists of student’s short-term goals
- career plan charts
- lists of books, magazines, and articles the student has read
- attendance sheets
- student self-evaluations
- highlights of journal entries
- awards
- test results
- photographs
- artwork
- various certificates
- letters of reference or commendation
Keeping a portfolio is an effective way of providing a literacy or ESL student with a means
of critical self-evaluation of what progress he is making. It is a tool for empowering
students and tutors to think about student evaluation as a process as well as a product.
Frontier College tutor’s handbook. (1997). Toronto, Ontario: Frontier College Press. ISBN 0-921031-20-3. Used with permission.
Handout 4.19