Lesson 5: r and u

Look at the fingers and keyboard chart.
Find the fingers to use for r and u.

Put your fingers on the home row.
Now reach for r and u.

Look at your book, not the keyboard.

Type this:

asdf ;lkj gh a;a; slsl dkdk fjfj ghgh fgfg
frf frf frf rrr fff frf rfr rfr frf frf
juj juj juj uuu jjj juj uju uju juj juj
juj ffrr juju gfr hju gftfrf hjyjuj ;lu asr
ldru fdrs jkul ;als rau; sukr jufr tyfjsl
far jar ask far jar ask rag rag far ask
gull full dull gull full dull dull full

Now look at the screen and check your work.

Known Keys: a s d f j k l ;
New Keys: r u

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