Lesson 6: t and y

Look at the fingers and keyboard chart.
Find the fingers to use for t and y.

Put your fingers on the home row.
Now reach for t and y.

Look at your book, not the keyboard.

Type this:

frf juj frf juj frf juj fju jfr fju jfr
asdfghjkkl; a;sldkfjgh asdfrg ;lkjuh
fff ftf ftf ftf ttt ftft fff ftft tft ttt ftf fff
jjj jyj jyj jyj yyy jyj jjj yyy jyjy yjyj
tft ftf dft kjy fgt jhy tgt yhy dtsa ykl;
dfs kjl yly tst dydy ktkt ytyt yjyj tftf
tar tag tar tag tar tag tar tag tart tag
lay jay day ray try fry dry lay fry
stay gray days tray tags tugs drys

Now look at the screen and check your work.

Known Keys: a s d f j k l ; g h r u
New Keys: t y

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