Denis the Dragon

By: Coreen Kasakeo

Denis, the dragon, lived in a cave. He lived with his mother. His mother was strict with him. He was only allowed to stay around their area. Denis had two friends, their names were Buddy and Buzz. Buddy and Buzz lived close by.

picture of denis the dragon

One day the three were walking around when they spotted a fox. His name was Max. Max was friendly. He was looking for excitement. Denis and his friends were ready for anything.

While the four were playing, they accidentally wandered off into the forest. Buddy and Buzz were getting scared, because it was getting dark. They began to hear things like creeping sounds in the forest.

"The wind is making all that noise," said the fox. But Buddy and Buzz were still scared.

They wanted to go home. They thought they were lost, but the fox knew his way around and he led them home. When Denis, the dragon, got home he was in trouble for wandering off.

Denis' mother said, "the rest of you go home. Your parents might be worried about you." Then Buddy and Buzz went home. Denis was grounded.

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