Denis the Dragon

By: Dennis Harvey

Today Jeff and I went into the woods to where Jeff said he had seen a dragon. I was not in a good mood, and I wasn't listening to Jeff. So when he told me to look I didn't. Again Jeff told me to look.

By the time I looked back there wasn't anything to be seen. Jeff and I continued walking. Suddenly he saw it again. This time I looked back and there it was. I stopped and I looked with surprise. Jeff looked too. There was a dragon floating in the air. He was looking at us.

"Hi, my name is Denis. Are you going to the caves?" He asked

We told the dragon our names and answered, "Yes, we are. Is it OK?"

The dragon, said it was OK. "But!" He warned us, "You cannot tell anyone about the things you see. It's a secret. If you can promise me this, I will grant you a wish. You can go back in time and become anything you want. And I will grant, your friend, Dennis the same wish. Will you help me?"

We said we would keep his secret. Jeff and I walked into the woods. In a short time, Jeff saw a cave. We went in. In the dark we saw two large eyes shining. We walked closer. There was a lady dragon, she was shy and frightened.

We went back to where we had seen Denis and told him about the other dragon. Denis came back with us. When the two saw each other they were both surprised and happy to meet. They knew they would no longer have to be alone.

Denis looked at us and smiled. Then he immediately granted out wishes.

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