Our secret

By: Virginia Jobb

My friend and I were walking down the ocean beach one day, when we saw a cave. I heard a strange noise coming from the cave. I asked Tammy, my friend, if she would go and check it out.

Tammy said, "Come with me."

picture of a dragon

Together we walked slowly toward the cave. Inside it was wet and damp and cold. As we walked into the cave, we saw a dragon. We didn't know what to say to each other.

Tammy called to the dragon. "What is your name?"

The dragon said to us, "My name is Denis, the dragon."

Tammy and I asked, "Why are you hiding in this cave?"

He replied, "I don't like going out in the daytime because I might frighten everyone. I can see from my cave."

We asked him if he would like to go outside with us. Denis agreed to go with us. As we were walking we asked, "Why are you afraid to come out?"

He said, "My body and my wings are too huge. That is why I stay in the cave all day. I only come out at night so no one will see me. I only fly around looking for food for myself at night and I stay in the cave all day."

"Why don't you have any friends?" asked Tammy.

Denis, the dragon replied, "Why would anyone be a friend with a dragon. They say that, dragons, are mean and have huge teeth and blow fire from their mouths! That's why I don't want to meet with anyone. They might think I am mean. You are the only two people that I met that haven't been too afraid to come into the cave."

We replied, "We'll be your friends."

For the next few days, we had fun on the beach with the dragon. Denis knew that he could trust us not to tell anyone that he was in the cave.

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