The Friendly Dragon

By: Ernestine Shingler

Once there was a friendly dragon. It lived in a cave. There was also a king and a queen that lived far away from the dragon's cave. One bright moonlit night the queen and king decided to go for a walk up the mountain to watch the stars. All of a sudden they heard a loud noise coming from the mountain.

picture of a dragon

They decided to follow the trail going up the mountain. As they got closer, they saw the cave. That was where the noise was coming from! They slowly went into the cave, all of a sudden they came face to face with a dragon. They were surprised! They saw the dragon was lying down on the ground. A rock had fallen on his foot. So, that was why the dragon was making all that noise! His foot was hurting from the rock falling on it.

The king and queen were not afraid because the hurt dragon looked friendly. The king and queen felt sorry for the dragon. They decided to help the friendly dragon. After they pushed the rock away from the dragon's foot, the dragon nodded his head like he was trying to say "thank you". The king and queen were so happy that the dragon was so friendly.

The king and queen decided to come back once in awhile just to say hello to the friendly dragon. For now they say goodbye to the dragon. For as long as they lived they always remembered that day they met the friendly dragon.

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