The Adventure

By: Jody Doucette

A long time ago, in a land far, far away there lived a great dragon named Leo. Leo was a big powerful dragon that stood twenty feet tall and its wings spanned fifteen feet. He could breathe fire so hot that it could melt metal. But Leo was a friendly dragon. He and his friends, Dippey, Dopey, and John would get together and play ball and chase each other in the air.

picture of leo the dragon

One day Leo wanted to find his friends to go play ball. He couldn't find them anywhere. He looked high and he looked low but he still could not find his friends. He looked everywhere he thought his friends might be. Then as he passed over a hill, he saw them.

They were in trouble. Three of the world's meanest dragon slayers had captured his friends. Leo knew that if he didn't rescue his friends right away, they would be killed.

Leo flew around the hill and perched on top. Spreading his long, powerful wings, Leo let out a mighty roar that shook the land beneath him, and then he breathed out a ball of fire. This startled the dragon slayers and gave Leo the chance to swoop down and burn off their armor. The dragon slayers were so scared, they ran off in their underwear screaming

The four friends looked at one another then they began to laugh. Leo and his friends all had a good laugh. Dippey, Dopey, and John thanked Leo for rescuing them. They hoisted him upon their backs and flew him off to the park for a game of ball.

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